Objectives of the Project

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  • Objectives of the Project

The main objective of this project is strengthening saving groups operation in Africa.

The specific objectives for these projects are

  1. Creating an MIS that enables Council for Anglican Provinces of Africa to map out all VSLA groups in five countries by;
    1. Ensuring the system has a central database that has the group information such as the membership, and the status of the group.
    2. Capturing the members’ economic activities and different projects that the members are undertaking for livelihood
  • Financial record keeping support, capturing the members’ financial status in terms of the savings, loans and loan repayments up to date records.
  1. Geo tagging in specified countries
  1. Designing the VSLA – MIS for monitoring and evaluation by the CAPA
    1. CAPA can generate real time updates on group membership, their economic activities, and their savings ability.
    2. The reports will enable CAPA determine the groups progression.
  • The system will provide real time financial statements to the members where a registered member can download their report
  1. Designing a Learning Management System to facilitate Capacity Building for the groups.
  2. Scale up

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