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Needs Assessment

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Council of Anglican provinces of Africa launched a project to strengthen village saving groups. The Projects targets to identify VSLA/MFIs/Saccos in the target countries to enhance a comprehensive profiling which will inform identification of gaps for capacity building and enhance scale up model to a great vision of establishing an African Christian Bank. An MIS was to be designed which is to help in profiling and identifying the status of the group.

a study was conducted at the beginning of the project to get knowledge of the current status of the groups before the commencement of the project. Through this survey, we were able to identify and determine the variables which dictated the designing of the MIS. For easier monitoring and evaluation process, all tools were designed and implemented in an easier and comprehensive form. To cushion the difficult and most challenging times of COVID-19, an online tool was deployed that helped in data capturing.

Profiling of the groups is to be done using the MIS, The MIS is designed to capture the individual members data that informs the group data.

However, there were some challenges identified because of the difficult times of the new norm of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our team is committed in ensuring that we deliver in the midst of these challenges. In order to achieve the desired goal of profiling and tracking of the VSL groups to inform capacity support that would improve skills and entrepreneurship capacity to enable them generate business Ideas, develop viable and realistic business plans and run successful Businesses, our team have head series of meetings to look at the best practices possible.

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